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Current Public Notices

Public Notices

Purpose: The applicants have demolished the existing dwelling and are proposing to build a new single detached dwelling. The applicants are seeking relief to multiple sections of Zoning By-law 97-95.

Purpose: The applicants are proposing to convert an existing 80.2 square metre (864.0 square feet) attached three bay garage into a secondary suite. The applicants are seeking relief to section 5.4 c) of Zoning By-law 97-95.

Purpose: The applicants are requesting consent to sever lands for the purpose of the creation of a new residential lot.

Purpose: The applicant is requesting consent to sever and merge lands for the purpose of a boundary adjustment.

Purpose: The applicant is requesting consent to sever lands for the purpose of the creation of a new residential lot.

Purpose: The purpose and effect of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is to further amend the zoning for the subject property from the Shoreline Residential (SR) Zone to the Shoreline Residential Exception (SR*###) Zone to permit a two storey detached accessory building/garage intended to be utilized for storage. The detached garage is proposed to exceed the maximum size provisions of Zoning By-law 97-95 with respect to height and gross floor area.

Purpose: The purpose and effect of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is to rezone the applicant’s lands from Agricultural/Rural (A/RU) to an Agricultural/Rural Exception (A/RU*#) Zone to permit a new 233.2 square metre (2,510.0 square foot) accessory building with a height of 6.5 metres (21.5 feet) that contains a 165.4 square metre (1,780.0 square foot) second floor apartment unit along with a 48.8 square metre (525.0 square foot) main level garage.

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