- 2020 Oro-Medonte Internet Survey Analysis - Prepared by University of Guelph R2B2 Rural & Regional Broadband Project
SWIFT Program - expansion with Bell Canada, project begins spring of 2021
SWIFT Funding Projects Announcement including Oro-Medonte Township
SWIFT Map - identifies project location (zoom in on map to view project locations in Oro-Medonte. Craighurst, Coulson, Sugarbush, Horseshoe Valley, Edgar, Dalston, Moonstone)
Rogers Announcement - Broadband Expansion in Oro-Medonte December 2020 (project begins spring of 2021) Further Information from Rogers
Other Available Funding
Mandated by federal legislation, all telecommunication tower installations must be submitted to the municipality. Municipal review of telecommunication towers and antennas is governed by the Township’s Protocol for Telecommunication Towers supported by Council in March 2005. The municipal consultation process is part of the requirements by ISED in the approval of telecommunication facilities. The undertaking of telecommunication facilities is under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Federal government. The provisions of the Ontario Planning Act and municipal bylaws and regulations do not apply to Federal undertakings. While the consultation process allows local land use authorities and the public to have input in proposals of telecommunication facilities, local authorities do not have the power to approve or disapprove the location or construction of such facilities. ISED is the ultimate approval authority of such facilities under the Radio-Communication Act.
Each telecommunications tower is a critical part of the ongoing efforts to #ConnectOroMedonte. To stay up-to-date with the installation of telecommunication towers, review upcoming Township Council agendas – available here: https://oromedonte.civicweb.net/Portal/
To inquire about the purpose of each telecommunication tower and how this may affect your connectivity, please contact the Internet Service Provider that owns the tower.